3M Vortex Cooling Assembly V-100 is used to cool air supplied to 3M High Pressure Supplied Air Respirator Systems that use 3M L-Series Headgear by up to 50??F (28??C). The assembly allows user to...
3MAdapter V-199 is designed to adapt the V-100, V-200, V-300 and V-400 3MAir Regulating Valves to accommodate the BT-20L, BT-20S, and BT-30 3MBreathing Tubes.
3MVersafloLow Pressure Connector Assembly V-400 is approved for supplied air systems that use 3MVersafloLow Pressure Hoses W-3020-25, W-3020-50 and W-3020-100 at pressures between 6-15 psig. The...